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Vaše záruka na přírodní dřevěnou podlahu Admonter je

platná 30 let od data nákupu a je uložena centrálně ve společnosti Admonter.

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Vyplňte Záruční list a odešlete jej spolu s nákupní fakturou a fotkou štítku< /strong> (přilepený na boční straně balíku podlahy).

Poté od nás obdržíte potvrzený záruční list zpět e- pošta. V případě potřeby se tento certifikát použije k uplatnění záruky u Admonter.



Data protection
We, the Admonter Holzindustrie AG (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
Data protection
We, the Admonter Holzindustrie AG (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
Data protection
We, the Admonter Holzindustrie AG (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice:
Data protection
We, the Admonter Holzindustrie AG (Registered business address: Austria), would like to process personal information with external services. This is not necessary for the use of the website, but allows us to interact even more closely with them. If desired, please make a choice: